Blue Kids Foam Pit 15x15 with Foam machine

Prices are subject to change depending on Date and Demand
DescriptionFoam Pit 15x15 with machine and suppies
15x15 Foam pit with foam machine. Fun for all ages.
Foam machine with supplies. Foam is Biodegradable and Hypo Allergenic. Non-Staining. No Scent not harmful if swallowed and will not hurt your eyes. Supplies good up to 2 hours of run time. Comes with our easy to use remote system for easy on and off use.
Extra solution available for $25 per extra hour of foam.

15x15 Foam pit with foam machine. Fun for all ages.
Foam machine with supplies. Foam is Biodegradable and Hypo Allergenic. Non-Staining. No Scent not harmful if swallowed and will not hurt your eyes. Supplies good up to 2 hours of run time. Comes with our easy to use remote system for easy on and off use.
Extra solution available for $25 per extra hour of foam.